There is growing concern that creative subjects such as art, music and drama are being side-lined in schools in favour of other subjects. However, creative education is also seen as a crucial step in developing skills in young children. This is especially relevant in the city of Dundee, where skilled creative people are needed to support our growing creative industries.
So how do we make sure arts education is delivered in a way that benefits children’s development?
Dr Anna Robb from the University of Dundee, joined us at Dundee Arts Café to discuss including the voices of primary school children when developing school lessons and careers advice for the future. This presentation draws on research focused on young children’s experiences of visual art in the home and at school, as well as in the local community and across the city. Anna gave examples of how our relationships with school subjects, such as art, inform our identities from an early age.
You can read more on this study from Anna and colleagues in the research paper