Dundee and the Great War: Patriotism and Propaganda – Tuesday 2nd December 2014, 6pm

Dundee became a leading centre of British press patriotism and propaganda. As ‘war hysteria’ quickly reached fever pitch the Dundee press encouraged the public to actively participate in their campaign to pillory any ‘shirker’ not in uniform and castigating as … Continue reading

The Referendum: Taking Stock – Tuesday 7th October 2014, 6pm

Three weeks after Scotland’s independence referendum, Prof Chris Whatley, Scottish historian and author of the acclaimed The Scots and the Union: Then and Now (2014), reflected upon the campaign for independence, the result, and the future for Scotland, either within … Continue reading

Whose Transition Is It Anyway? Tuesday 6th May 2014, 6pm

Starting school, moving classes or moving schools are exciting progressions in the life of every child, however some children find these educational transitions difficult. To understand how to help children make these transitions a wealth of research has been undertaken that … Continue reading