Mind the Gap
When Volkswagen were caught out cheating emissions tests, the gap between performance promised by manufacturers and the reality was substantial, causing uproar.

Hayshed Copyright Kirsty Maguire
But quietly, bubbling away under the surface and hidden under piles of paperwork are the predictions for every buildings performance. Just like buying a new fridge, all buildings have an energy rating A – E. But what is conveniently ignored is that these predictions are rarely worth the paper they are written on. The gap between prediction and reality can be enormous.
Why is this acceptable and how can we change this? Buildings can be complex but it is certainly possible to create warm and comfortable buildings that do what they say on the tin, costing next to nothing to run in the process. They can remove the building occupants from the volatile energy markets and take households out of fuel poverty. A shocking 29% of Scottish households are classed as being in fuel poverty.
New buildings can achieve this type of good performance right now. We don’t need fancy technologies or costly new solution.
Kirsty Maguire, award-winning architect, talks about her own projects in Scotland and around the world plus some examples of other leading UK practices to show how good design can perform, inspire – and even change the world – one step at a time.
The event lasts one hour, and speakers talk passionately about their work for 30 minutes before the floor is opened up to an informal discussion with the audience. All talks take place in The McManus Café, Albert Square, Dundee.
Everyone is welcome. Free. Non-bookable. Places are limited so please arrive early to avoid disappointment. Doors open at 5pm.